Choir Vaclav

Visit of the choir Vaclav from Stara Boleslav 8. - 13.5.2019

Our pilgrim house accommodated the church choir Václav from Stará Boleslav led by Choirmaster Marie Nohynková from 8 till 13 May 2019. The church choir accompanied with its singing the evening Holy Mass in the chapel of Eucharist in St. Peter’s Basilica on Saturday 11 May. On Sunday 12 May took place the concert in church of St. Mary, the Queen of Apostles, administered by Pallottines. Both events took place with the participation of Mr. Václav Kolaja, the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the Holy See.

Demolition of the building C

Demolition of the building C

From 11 March 2019 after more than a month’s break caused by waiting for a demolition permit the works on building C are continuing. The building company took apart the roof from 11 to 15 March and on 18 March continued with the demolition of the perimeter wall that had not met the technical requirements.

The pilgrim’s group of PhDr. Koudelková

The pilgrim’s group of PhDr. Koudelková

From 3 to 12 January 2019 the group of about 30 pilgrims guided by PhDr. Koudelková was staying in our pilgrim house during its regular pilgrimage to Rome. Some of them joined us during the fumigation of the pilgrim house on the day of Epiphany. Sisters Marie and Lucie accepted PhDr. Koudelková’s invitation for the trip to the Etruscan necropolis of Cerveteri on 10 January.


Re-magi dalla Slovacchia

Caroller from Slovakia

The carollers from Slovakia, who arrived for the Holy Father blessing, were accommodated in our pilgrim house at the turn of the year 2018/ 2019. The Holy Father gives the blessing to the (Three Kings) carollers from the whole world during the Holy Mass on 1 January. In their filled program they found time for carol-singing for the community of Velehrad on 31 December.

Stěhování budovy C

Moving and demolition of the room dividers in the building "C"

The preparation of the building C for the reconstruction culminates. On Saint Lucy´s Day 13.12. we mooved the chapel to a new temporary place. The furniture and other things were transported with the aid of P. rector Czudek and a technic of the Pontifical College Nepomucenum at Rome for storage to Nepomucenum. On 7 January the construction company started the works of demolition with much effort.