Meeting of the General Assembly of the Czech Religious Center Velehrad October 12 – 15, 2020

Meeting of the General Assembly of the Czech Religious Center Velehrad October 12 - 15, 2020

From 12 to 15 October 2020, a meeting of the General Assembly of the Czech Religious Center Velehrad was held in the Pilgrimage House in Velehrad. The meeting itself will take place on Tuesday 13.10. Five members based in Rome took part in the Velehrad hall and P. Špaček and Mrs. Jobová from Switzerland also came. Thanks to the technology, however, other members were able to join the meeting via video conference. In the afternoon, thanks to the transfer via ZOOM, the members were able to go on a tour of the newly reconstructed building C. There was a warm and friendly atmosphere in the small community of those present. On Thursday we visited together the Cistercian abbey of Casamari, which is preparing for the beatification of the Czech native Dominic Zavřel and his 5 brother murdered by French soldiers on May 13, 1799.