The works on the construction of the building C – january 2020

The works on the construction of the building C - january 2020

Building C has already been finalized. The courtyard is newly paved and the rooms are partly furnished with original furniture and new rooms have been added to several rooms. Both exterior and interior lights are being completed. Intensive work takes place in the future chapel and in the hall, which will be separated by a sliding wall. The next step will be equipment of the new reception in the hall and the transfer of all systems to the new premises.

The pilgrimage of the group of Dr. Koudelkova form Brno and Ivančice 3. – 11.1.2020

The pilgrimage of the group of Dr. Koudelkova form Brno and Ivančice 3. - 11.1.2020

After a year, Dr. Koudelková and a group of pilgrims from Brno and the surrounding area visited Rome. Together with them we visited places known as the Basilica of Sts. Peter's Basilica Lawrence, Aventin, and places less known - Hadrian's Villa and Villa d'Este in Tivoli. We again took advantage of the presence of guests and, together with them, at the Feast of the Three Kings, we smoked and sprinkled the house to ask for the blessings for the coming year.

The works on the construction of the building C – November 2019

The works on the construction of the building C - November 2019

Despite rainy weather, works on the building C have progressed significantly in November. Plasters and paving on the floors, bathroom tiles in future rooms and offices as well as electricity distribution were completed. Sanitary technology is gradually installed. The terrace above the future reception was insulated and laid new tiles. The floor in the hall and the future chapel were concreted and prepared for laying tiles. Two boilers in the technical room are waiting to be connected to supply the house with hot water. The company installed a new railing on the first floor gallery.

The pilgrimage of the group “Matice radhostska” (Czech republic)

The pilgrimage of the group "Matice radhostska" (Czech republic) 28.11. - 1.12.2019

Ve dnech 28.11.  až 1.12. hostil Velehrad členy Matice radhošťské, kteří přijeli na pouť u příležitosti 1150. výročí úmrtí sv. Cyrila v Římě. Sestry Marie, Markéta a o. Jaromír Zádrapa provedli poutníky římskými bazilikami i katakombami. Ústředním bodem pouti byla modlitba a položení věnce v bazilice sv. Klimenta, kde je hrob a také relikviář s ostatky apoštola národů sv. Cyrila.

The works on the construction of the building C – November 2019

The works on the construction of the building C - November 2019

Despite rainy weather, works on the building C have progressed significantly in November. Plasters and paving on the floors, bathroom tiles in future rooms and offices as well as electricity distribution were completed. Sanitary technology is gradually installed. The terrace above the future reception was insulated and laid new tiles. The floor in the hall and the future chapel were concreted and prepared for laying tiles. Two boilers in the technical room are waiting to be connected to supply the house with hot water. The company installed a new railing on the first floor gallery.

National Pilgrimage and General Meeting of CNS – November 2019

National pilgrimage to the 30th anniversary of the canonization of st. Agnes of Bohemia - November 2019

On November 11 - 13, 2019, the Czech national pilgrimage took place in Rome as a thanksgiving for the 30 years since the canonization of Sts. Anežka Česká. To this pilgrimage also came to compatriots from Germany and Switzerland, who were staying in the pilgrimage house Velehrad. Tuesday 12.11. in the afternoon the General Assembly of the Czech Religious Center Velehrad was held. During the negotiations new statutes were adopted and the chairman and members of the CNS Committee elected. The members were also acquainted with the economic situation of the association.

The works on the construction of the building C – September 2019

The works on the construction of the building C - September 2019

Nejvyšší část budovy C má už novou střechu a fasáda byla natřena žlutou barvou, shodnou s ostatními budovami. Uvnitř  jsou dokončené omítky a vybetonované podlahy připravené na položení dlažby. Postupně se zařizují nové koupelny. Také v prostorách budoucí recepce jsou vyzděné příčky a dokončují se rozvody elektřiny a vody. Pracovníci stavební firmy rozebrali střechu nad sálem a kaplí a v příštím týdnu firma dodá dřevo na konstrukci nové střechy.

The works on the construction of the building C – September 2019

The works on the construction of the building C - September 2019

V září byla dokončena střecha vyšší části budovy, vyzděny obvodové zdi i příčky budoucích pokojů a v přízemí už jsou v pokojích i nové omítky. V  nižší části části už jsou rozděleny příčkami prostory pro novou recepci, kancelář a sociální zázemí sálu.