
The spiritual and cultural center for pilgrims – „Center Velehrad“ is a part of association of the Czech Religious Center Velehrad that has its seat in the house. Our vision comes from original intentions of Josef Cardinal Beran and his desire to help the Church in the home country and also the pilgrims in Rome. We create for pilgrims the place where they can be encouraged in their faith and experience the community in faith.


The statutes of the Czech Religious Center were officially approved by the Holy See on Saint Wenceslas Day 28th September 1968. In statutes that wrote Cardinal Beran himself it is possible to see his intention: „To give spiritual assistance to Czech Catholics living outside the home country to not lose the national identity and precious treasure of catholic faith, and to support the Catholics living in home country.“ For this purpose the Cardinal founded the place that would be „the home“ and „the atelier“ at the same time. Place, where it works and lives, where looks for and realizes initiatives that better meet the requirements of nowadays and the needs of people.


Today the Center Velehrad continues in tradition of the pilgrim house how it was formed in history, nevertheless, it strives to mediate the meeting of pilgrim with the living Church in the spirit of the new evangelization.



Dům má být nejen bezpečným zázemím pro poutníky zajišťujícím ubytování a stravu, ale má se aktivně podílet na evangelizaci a duchovní formaci. To se děje prostřednictvím organizace poutí, duchovní službou, exerciciemi, pořádáním kulturních akcí. Dům nadále slouží z úcty ke svému zakladateli i slovenským poutníkům.